Episode #113 - Appreciate the Ordinary


Life is hard, normally, and even more so now.

We feel the need to constantly move forward whether it’s to pursue goals and dreams, or simply just to keep our heads above water. Which is why this episode may likely be one of the best timed episodes of this podcast’s history.

You see, I have fallen victim to this constant need for motion and production, while navigating my emotions on a day to day basis with all that’s going on in our world. But this past Friday night changed my whole perspective.

I was closing up our house for the night and shut off the kitchen light when I glanced outside and something caught my eye: the sky lit up with stars as if glitter had rained down from heaven. I walked outside and stood in my backyard in the pitch dark just staring at the sky. I took a deep breath and felt this overwhelming happiness.

Why was it so simple? Because I had simply been ignoring the ordinary.

In this episode, I share how slowing down to appreciate the ordinary will not only help you achieve your big goals, but how it will keep your sanity on a day to day basis, no matter what is going on. Take a listen to this episode to reset your mind and heart and move forward with greater energy and gratitude.

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Episode #114 - Act Like Your Heroes


Episode #112 - To Honor the Strength of Women