Episode #096 - Lessons Learned From Running the New York City Marathon


It all started with Twitter and a glass of wine and the end result changed my life.

Had I not given away the end result in the title, I’m sure that could’ve gone down many an interesting route of Choose Your Own Adventure.

This adventure ended in Central Park, in the driving rain, freezing, exhausted, starving and….blessed.

You see, I had just completed 10 months of training to run 26.2 miles through the 5 boroughs of New York called The New York City Marathon.

Not only had I completed one of the most prestigious races in the world, I did it EXACTLY how I envisioned it all through my training. From the first step of my first training run to the last lean through the finish line, I learned a ton about myself and how to leverage this experience to become a better person.

That’s why I want to share it with you all.

Now, don’t think for one second that I wasn’t nervous about the whole thing. Watch this short video:

In this episode, I will share the 6 key lessons I learned while training for, and running, The New York City Marathon:

  1. Opportunity will find you in the most random places

  2. Start, especially if you’re terrified

  3. Create a vision in your mind of success

  4. When you’re near your breaking point, push a little further and chase small increments

  5. People are inherently awesome

  6. The physical body is a means of transportation for the mind and heart

I’m sharing the insights I took away so that you can find the source of drive within you to complete whatever marathon you’re currently running. Losing weight, job hunting or just hardcore trying to make your dreams happen, I want my words to help move you along and get you across your own finish line.

Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss?

You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1. 


Episode #097 - How to Manage Change in Your Life


Episode #095 - Living Your Dream Job With Jay Harris of ESPN