Episode #077 - Agree to Disagree
In our society, nearly everyone has a new megaphone for their opinion and we’ve also become more divisive than ever. Why? We’ve fallen into this habit that if your opinion is different than mine, well, then you’re wrong.
The art of asking follow up questions to learn about others thoughts or stances on issues is all but lost. Even if you don’t agree at all with where they’re coming from, even after you ask, is ok. The lessons learned and the perspective gained just by having the conversation is worth the time.
In this episode, I discuss the value of engaging in conversation with someone you either disagree with or who might be from a very different background than you.
I also share some personal experiences on how just having the discussion has informed me about other cultures and beliefs and enhanced my peripheral view of the world, thus making me more able to have a variety of discussions I would have never been able to engage in before.
Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss? You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1.
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