Episode #108 - Personal & Professional Mental Awareness with Ken Bramble


Mental awareness and self-care have typically carried a heavy stigma with them in our society.

“What’s wrong with you/me?”

“Suck it up!”

“You/They must really be in trouble if they’re going to a therapist!”

All of these sayings are ones that I’ve heard when I’ve either discussed the topic in general or when I have shared my own story. The idea that someone is mentally cracking or needs help sorting things out has been quite taboo because we don’t want to show weakness or vulnerability.

Thankfully, as time as gone on, that stigma has weakened as more and more studies are done on mental awareness from both a personal and professional angle. Between suicide rates, chemical dependencies and addiction to lost production and turnover, the statistics that come with this area are staggering when you consider how many people it affects.

As reported in 2019, 43.8 million adults in the U.S. will experience mental struggles or disorders, but only 41% actually seek treatment or counseling. This leaves a large population needing help.

Enter Ken Bramble, a benefits consultant with HUB International and a mental health advocate.

In this episode, I talk with Ken about the paralyzing effect of mental health, even on C-Level executives, and how we as a general population are talking about mental awareness more and more to weaken the stigma. We’ll also discuss the effect this has on personal and professional satisfaction.

You can find Ken on LinkedIn where he shares his story, and others, on his weekly video series.

Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss? Do you want to share your story? Do you know someone who has a fantastic story to share?

You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1. 


Episode #109 - How To Pull Yourself Out of the Pit of Self-Pity


Episode #107 - How to Make Your Dream a Reality