Episode #066 - What's Your Best Life?


With every negative event, every tragedy, comes an opportunity to reflect, learn and appreciate.

Recently, I had a friend from high school pass away unexpectedly and tragically. Josh was one of the most amazingly genuine, caring and positive guys I have ever known. Whenever you talked to him or saw him, he had this natural ability to make your life better and make you feel like the most important person in the world.

Josh had moved to Hawaii, become a lifeguard, was a drummer and was surrounded by an amount of love and respect that we could all aspire to. To me, he was truly living his best life. 

In reading the outpouring of messages from friends and family, it brought forth the question:

What does it mean to live "your best life"?

We all see the posts on social media claiming a moment in "living our best life," but are we living a holistically "best life"?

In this episode, I share some of my reflections in the wake of this tragedy and how I combine my learnings with some of my marketing experience to create a personal audit to ensure that you can live your best life for the rest of your days. 

If there's ever an episode of mine that you share, please let it be this one as I want everyone to know how amazing Josh was and how he can teach us all how to live our best lives.

Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss? You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1. 

Thank you for all of your amazing support as the podcast has continued to grow.

Please share and review on iTunes when you have a moment! It would be greatly appreciated!

Photo by Maxwell Gifted on Unsplash


Episode #067 - Never Be "Busy"


Episode #065 - The Power of Self-Worth