Episode #024 - Wellness & Mindfulness with Rae Ehly


Everybody on this planet is capable of chasing a healthy lifestyle.
— Rae Ehly

In the never ending battle of trying to be healthy, happy and mindful, we can find ourselves searching endlessly for resources and inspiration to live a better life.

However, there comes a time where you find someone who's energy, humility and sheer joy in what they're sharing is intoxicating and you want to learn more.

Meet Rae Ehly, a 23-year-old Kansas-City native whose passion for the growing health and wellness industry has led her to starting her blog, Wholehearted, where she shares anti-inflammatory recipes, research and thoughts surrounding hormonal health, gut health and mindfulness.

Her creative spirit energizes her as she shares her love for all things Matcha and fitness related to her friends and followers on her Instagram and her website. You can also find Rae on Spotify where she shares some of her favorite music for happiness and workouts.

In this episode with Rae, we discuss:

  • How to be more conscious of your body needs
  • Healthy options for food and exercise
  • Her go-to resources for wellness inspiration
  • The app that keeps her most mindful

As we go into the New Year, Rae's tips will help get you off to the right foot with your mind and body.

Thank you for supporting the podcast and please share with your friends to improve the wellness of our communities!

Drop me a note at enrichyoursoul@gmail.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1


Episode #025 - Motivational Monday - Sustain Your Resolutions


Episode #023 - Mindfulness Matters