Rich Bracken Rich Bracken

Your Internal Voice: Friend or Foe?

In this blog, I share a transformational mindset that I heard during a Peloton ride the other day about how we talk to ourselves every day.

This blog will not only have you realizing how much you probably talk down to yourself, but how to change that dynamic to rid yourselves of negative creep and impostor syndrome.

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Rich Bracken Rich Bracken

Motivational Mondays - 8.3.15 - Overcoming "Filters"

There’s not a day that goes by that I’m not fascinated by the power of the mind. You hear stories of personal triumph, overcoming the odds, and achieving goals. The power of the mind to pull someone through adversity is astounding and there are countless stories that you can draw from to prove that.

It’s all in what we tell ourselves everyday and how we choose to go through the day believing in ourselves.

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