Episode #151 - Starve Your Distractions, Feed Your Focus

We live in a distracted society, full stop.

With our attention span being at that of a goldfish, it’s no wonder there studies galore about how our focus and productivity is being demolished by the day.

Consider these statistics:

  1. Carleton University surveyed 1,500 people in six organisations and found that, on average, they worked 47.2 hours a week and spent 17 of those hours on email.

  2. Email interruptions increase employees time on tasks by one-third.

  3. The average office worker is productive for only three hours a day.

  4. 36% of Millennials and Gen Z admit to spending two hours or more checking their smartphones at work.

    Source: Sereneapp.com

So, if you’re a motivated, goal-achieving person, how do you battle these odds?

Simple, starve your distractions and feed your focus.

In this episode, I share some top tips on how to reduce (or eliminate) distractions from your day to strengthen your focus, energy, and productivity. All of these tips provide instant lifts and cost nothing to achieve.

As mentioned in the episode, I am also sharing my go-to work focus playlists on Spotify. Feel free to use and follow as I’ll be updating these.

House Focus - Instrumental chill/tropical house music for a good focused groove.

Brain Food - Experimental electronica created to spark your focus and creativity.

Best Classical for Work - The classics to make you feel focused and help you create that creative masterpiece.


Episode #152 - Emotional Clarity for the Win


Episode #150 - Storytelling with Lindsay Schoolcraft