Episode #103 - Keep Your Verbal Poison to Yourself


I’ve never been a fan of bullies. Not that one would ever be, but having been on the wrong side of bullying, I know the impact that it has and the toll that it takes on your mind and heart when someone attacks you.

I was reminded of that fact after this last week specifically. Now, I have to admit that even I was a bit taken back by the fact that this reminder came from Jennifer Lopez, Shakira and Taylor Swift as those three are not in my iTunes playlist rotation.

Why they play a factor is that the three of them came under attack for just being them. JLo and Shakira for their Super Bowl performance and after watching the Taylor Swift documentary on Netflix, I realized that she’s under constant criticism and attacks based on her platform and fame.

But it raised a couple of questions that I can’t shake off my mind:

1) What do people gain personally when they go on these attacks on celebrities (or anyone for that matter?)

2) What could I do about it?

In this episode, I share my thoughts on bullying, verbal attacks and how we can be better as a society. No one deserves to be attacked due to the insecurities of another.

I’ll admit, the tone and flow of this one is a bit different as it’s more of a thought dump and a plea for something better, but I hope you enjoy this thought provoking episode and that you change your own mentality and are more aware of the behavior of others.

Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss? Do you want to share your story? Do you know someone who has a fantastic story to share?

You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1. 


Episode #104 - The Positive Effect of Failure


Episode #102 - How to Recalibrate Your Life