Episode #091 - Leveraging Art for Expression and Self-Discovery with Kelly Anderson


I am, self-admittedly, jealous of artists. There is a part of me that feels like my art ability peaked in 3rd grade. So when I come across a talented artist, I am in awe of their talent.

Not only is Kelly Anderson (Crayonkelly.com) such an extremely talented artist, she is a very down to Earth and insightful person. On her website, she describes her art the following way:

My mixed media images depict feelings that everyone encounters at some point in their life.  The crayon ties in those childlike feelings of safety and comfort.  I use other items to tie in the meaning.  I include a dictionary cutout relevant to the overall theme so one can visualize the emotions.  Most of all it adds a personal touch.

Each image has it's own story as a handwritten message that is sealed for one persons eyes.

Having struggled through manic depression, she had to find another outlet than the ones she was choosing for self-medication.

Enter her art.

In our conversation we discuss how art, and especially the use of Crayons, bring us back to the safety of our childhood when we were immune to the judgement of society and we were free to be creative without boundaries. In this heartfelt conversation, we also discuss:

  • Where she draws inspiration for her art

  • Her creative process to bring a brand to life when working with companies

  • Advice for those who are timid about trying art

  • The changes and benefits she witnesses when working with her clients

  • How art benefits stress and creativity in personal and professional settings

Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss? You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1. 


Episode #092 - Turning Rejection Into Power & Confidence


Episode #090 - The Power of Worthiness & Vulnerability