Episode #052 - Honey > Vinegar | How to Deal With Negative People
We are taught to be nice, positive people starting in our early childhood. However, somewhere along the way, some people have turned to a more negative, "Eeyore" approach to life. While we all want to help those in need, at what point is it taking a toll on your life and your energy?
In this episode I discuss insights into why these people may be feeling the way they do and what you can do to try and help, while also being aware and protective of your life.
Plus, who doesn't want to hear me sing Chaka Khan in a podcast? :)
This podcast was created from some listener requests and questions. Do you have a topic you'd like me to discuss? You can contact me by email at rich@richbracken.com or on Twitter and Instagram @richbracken1.
Thank you for all of your amazing support as the podcast has continued to grow.
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